Vietnam Party

It was on September 23. After gathering with Vietnam friends, I really want to try some specail and original food in their home contury. They are really hospitable so we hold the party right on that weekend. Preparing for the party, we went to Geant( a market) for ingredients. Also, I went back to take the mooncake since the moon festival was just past for few days.

We were trying to help out for the dish, and everyone was there having fun. Hang was there for preaparing each one.

On that day, I brought the mooncake from Tainan to treat the Vietnamese friends and local TFAAers. I am sure that they all enjoyed that with the satisfied expression.

The one who took the picture with me is Hang. She is really good at cooking. You may not imagine how excited I was when I smelled the soup, it was just part of it though. After taking their efforts, I am gonna share with you for:

Yeah, trust me, this is what we made together in the kitchen of cooking club. It's wonderfully tasty. OMG, I just don't even believe I have the chance to taste this delicious dish from Vietnam. It was so great to enjoy that night. We must appreciate these guys:

Thank you very much for giving me that awesome experience. There is also one thing I must mention to every one. When I want to share the money with them. They pushed me, and don't even want us to get close to them. They are just so nice for us. Gotta return them next party.
The First day
The first day

After several hours flight, I arrived in Beijing. I was so touched when I just walked out from Customs. A girl was waving her hand to draw my attention. I know it was her, not thinking too much, I ran to her and gave her a hug! It was so great to meet her again.

The girl in the picture whose name is 傅曉(Fu-Xiao) She was right there in the airport for me. What’s more, it’s been already one year since we saw each other off last AEARU Camp.

On the way to downtown of Beijing, I found something really different to Taiwan. The highway-ticket-booths never look like this, it was so classical with its traditional characteristics.

The first step on 西單(Xi-Dan) The sunset was really wonderful! However, this is the place of many taxi drivers wanted to draw our attention to take his taxi. What really annoyed us was that the drivers were quite unfriendly. Fortunately, I only met this situation there.
While I settled down at 中船賓館 where I were gonna spend my first night. We went take a look around 西單(Xi-Dan). It is a more prosperous place comparing to some others. After haveing a short walk, I went back to prepare for the next day. Almost about 40 minutes, I spent for finding the hotel. Since it was so dark there, I went around looking for the signs I can recognize.
Eventually, I got back and have a rest. Good night!!
There is one famous person said that we can find any one in the world with connections within five people. Nowadays, the technology is well developed, plus international exchanging. This whole world is becoming a globle village, no doubt. Recently, I got another inspiration of what it is all about. Last year, I joined the AEARU Camp held in NTU for being participants there. Somehow I got the chance to be the crew holding AEARU camp this year. And I found that several participants this year are with connection with people who were in the same college or institute. Suddenly, I realized how the "network" builds. It's so amazing. Just several days ago. I got an email from Akio,a participants in AEARU Camp last year. He told me that he is now in Colorado(He is having one year exchanging program there from TOHOKU university in Japan.). He also said that another participant from TOHOKU is going to study in NTU. Oh my goodness. It's really a good chance to get reunion! I am going to give her a call!
The One I Must Express Deep Gratitude To

On the very begining of the first day of the trip to Mainland China, I faced a big problem- getting up too late!! I was supposed to get up at about 6:00, however, the time I woke up was 6:30 already. I got really shocked then. Fortunately, I got Mark's help. Of course, he didn't gave me a ride by the car on the picture. :p Thanks to him, I catched my flight and got my horizon broaden. I was so moved for him to do so. Thank you, Mark!
Moon Festival
9/18( 8/15 in lunar calendar) is Moon Festival for Chinese. I don't know if there are people from any other area celebrate similar things. Maybe yes, or maybe not. Last night, I went out with the whole family. We went to a place in Tainan, southern part in Taiwan, that was a sugar processing factory. Don't think it of as a sort of drak and smelly place, instead, it's a place with several scenic spots. For all the peopel in the family take it as a reunion this year. It's really excited to see some relatives then. We do some BBQ and play badminton and some other sports. One of my cousin, Gin-pon, he is getting great on sports. I am almost beated by him. :) Anyway, it is worth getting back in Tainan this time. Hope to see them next time.

Here are certain stuffs from friends or from some other activities. Those are really memorable. When I looked at them, I feel that I were in the time getting along with friends. I still got a memory box with some ohter stuffs there. I will keep the memories for all of my life. After being the staff of AEARU camp. I am decorating my wall to be very abundant for things from AEARU. See, how is it?
Hard Work

Last night, after gathering for dinner with AEARU guys, TFAA meeting, I went back home. I was already exhausted. But I still have to get my desk done. It's really a hard work. Since I have to dig the hole with the screws on the wooden board. It took me lot of efforts that I almost can't stand. Somehow I got a new power for arranging the room. Finally I made it. I am quite satisfied. I am going to show the picture later. So excited. The folloing picture is my workplace right now!!
Please not again...
This morning, the same time I woke up. Still I have an English writing class. The same stupid thing I gotta do again. On the rush way to school, I am kind of upset for the traffic. It's gonna be like this every morning. Come on, get up earlier and try to make it in time. But there is another reason for being late, since the D203 room is a new place for us. Even some attendents in the library doesn't know that. Anyway, finally, I find the way there. Just the step I got in the room, some familiar face came to my eye. Ben, Chiao, Katy... The teacher Vicky, I think she is a patient one for revising our writing. Ok, I am in. When she made the roll call, we suddenly found that Tintin was supposed to be there too. Kinda supprising. Ha it's time for lunch then. Later.
Semester Begins!
Oh my. When I woke up today, it was 7:45 then. Unfortunately, I am living outside the campus right now so that I can't just get there in time. The first day of this semester, it's really fun to see everybody after the summer vacation. Some put on their cool jeans or slippers; some may have their hair dyed and permed. It's sort of tired to be a student again. Anyway, the most excited thing is that I got my desk today, and the driver was really nice to move the desk for me. It's quite heavy. Wu~ Tonight would be the time to get it done. My Place Rules! Let's give it a shot!
Making Friends
Here in Tsinghua university are so many student from various countries.
Wow, I just can't remember their name all. It's so hard then.
Somehow I feel pretty comfortable to talk and think in English. I am involved in it, maybe. Besides talking to them, I think it's quite important to develop the friendship with them because they will be busy and have their own schedule later on. Try to have some "buddy" this time, grab the chance now!
Semis, Sep. 9th 2005
Good Will Hunting
This is a good movie with no doubt. It's really touching my heart. After watching it, I kinda realize that the life of a person. I am now sitting in the front of computer, thinking about what life means to me. Complicated! "For knowledge you pay 25000 dollar in the college. I may pay fifteen cents for it in the library." I don't know the exact sentence, but it's pretty much true. From now on, I am gonna broaden my horizon in various ways, and prepare up to be a man.
Semis. Sep 8
Most of ppl like to go traveling in their free time. No matter how far it is, still, ppl would really be willing to give a try. I am part of it. Alone or with friends, both are fine with me. Traveling is also like a outdoor class. Actually, I learned a lot from what I have walked through. I just like that feeling. Walk on the street and feel the breeze. In a foreign country, that is, a place that no one knows you, you will have a sense of freedom of not being tied. Besides, I like to get close to nature. As I got chance to be there, I just feel like I am gonna melt in. Ha kind of exagerate. There are so many many many surprise in a trip, go find yours!
The first post for the blogger
It's an exciting feeling but with a bit nervous. Anyway, since I am here, try to put something new about me in here.