The trip to Taipei
In the morning, we waited for each other at the library. Taking some picture for the "shirt."(James, Haruki and I wear shirts very similar) On the way to Taipei, I talked with James a lot, including the cars, the experiment, and what we are doing after graduation of finish study. During the conversation, I felt kind of shamed that now I can't even tell him what the specific subject of the laboratory I will participate in. So, it's like when I ask you something of your own, but you can't even tell me a bit. Sucks.
After we arrived Taipei, James and Haruki forgot where they put their stubs. I helped Haruki to find his, which is placed between pages of a book, but James didn't find it till he got off the bus. Thanks to the "traffic" in Taipei which get cars and bus stucked, we finally got the money back!
Right after arriving Taipei, we took MRT to 淡水, we eat different snacks there, quite interesting. Amanda played the "Ring Throwing" sharing with us. Haruki also played, but it turned out to be no one got the jackpot.

Also, I bought a toy from Japan, just because I mentioned that my younger brother is good at that. Here is the conversation while we passed by the toy store, "Do you play that?" " Yes, of course, I am a Japanes!" " Ok, show me then." After saying that, I turned around to buy one. He didn't make it till try for
50 times.

Next, it's the show time! We went watching a play called "Jungle of Cities" which was performed in National Taipei University of the Arts(NTUA). Although it's really abstract that we didn't actually know what it was all about, I think it's amazing for students to organize all the schedule, performance, the decoration stuffs... sort of shocked!

At night, we went to 士林 night Market with Amanda's high school classmate 白目. Eating several things and followed by the desert-Shaved ice. We share all kinds of flavor we ordered. What I want to say is what a wonderful night!
While we walked through the shops in night market, we suddenly found an store with some stuffs in fad. I took a look there, and amazingly Amanda found the headscarf. I also bought one for fun. I thought that would be like a pirate, so I was trying to pretend to be fierce.

And after try all new stuffs we went back satisfied. On the way back to Hsinchu, I talked to Mark a lot, I really think he is a critical but correct for everything we discussed. I would think more about the words he told me.
This trip is really wonderful for everyone having fun together. I enjoyed a lot!! So much looking forward to the next trip!
Watermelon gathering
Right on yesterday, sevearal guys, Roxane, Amanda, Mark, me went buying the closet for storing TFAA stuffs. When we go buy some snacks... Mark came up with an idea that let's give a shot for watermelon. So we went to 新齋 and wait for some other guys to enjoy it with us. Eventually, only Haruki came. I kinda had a competition with him for eat racing. It was so funny! I found a thing pity though- I forgot my milk in 新齋 but I would think things in different ways, maybe it's good for me not to take it then..Never know if it was still there..
Since I bought the stereo set, I want to change my life starting from give the arrangement a shot, therefore, I change the room into:

See! It's totally looked like an office. I am sure I can deal things well in here.
Logitech X-230

Oh I just open it and can't wait to try its bass!!
I am just so watsted on money, not knowing why, today I just want to buy the stereo stuff. And the situation is like it picks me, cuz it's so attractive
The woofer is really powerful, my roommate next to me warn me to get it lower, otherwise...
Blog is free to get our imagination wild
Cuz I can modify the original file very easily, I can add quite a lot different stuffs in my blog
About this song which is recommanded by George, it's really smooth so that I relax while I was listening to it. Gonna share with you guys! enjoy.
I think it's just like the tiredness came back attacking me since I was spending half of the night playing billiard with classmates. Maybe I just need to take a break then.
Amazingly Happy

What I am happy for? Actually from what I have been through today with the appealing shirt. I like that really much. Also, it's the first time to be giving compliments for all people around me. What's more, that's the first time I try to make my own style then. I was feeling like shouting deep in my heart. Cuz I felt that I am different, I am pretty stylish so that I can be confident to walk around places for teenagers. Is that normal, maybe not. However, in my opinion, I would feel unconfident if I wear casually. I would keep this in mind, and work harder next time.
Just passin the inorganic chemistry exam. i thought I should get harder on this, so it's not gonna be the time to release. Lots of things coming on. That's what we called life...
The second day (2)
Of course, the private garden is the place that we must take a visit. Here, it was nothing but crowded. I can hardly take a picture without people in there, but i did.

The building in the picture is called御景亭, that means you can see all the nice views at that spot. However, we were not allowed to get in there. Kind of pity, but it's another feeling coming out. If I were the emperor, what would I see besides the view, who knows?

After taking a short walk, I went to the east for several smaller rooms with some display. One of the smaller ones is 御書房(the private study room for the emperor), and I were trying to be bookish, but it wasn't even close. (see, I held a fan which I bought from a store nearby)

One of the display is the royal sedan chair. Kind of silly when i ask some other ppl to take a picture for me then.

Walking out to the alley, I found out that this is just like the scene I saw in some Chinese movies. After thinking of that scene, I tried to pretend people in Tsing Dynasty and gonna arrest the one who broke in. The fact is, the one who take the picture for me must take me as a fool.

The Forbidden City is pretty magnificent around the whole city.
The second day(1)
Today, I was a bit late for waking up. Then I walk to the corner to take a bus. There happened to be a breakfast stores. quite small. I was attracted when the cook pour the egg onto the pancake. Oh my, it looked like pretty delicious. I just can't help buying one for taste. It was authentic flavour. After that, I took the bus directly to the 天安門廣場(Tiananmen Square)

It's so famous that there are full of people from all over the world. The real global village? Maybe. After visting the square I went into the Forbidden City. There are several gates before I getting into the main palace. 天安門 端門 午門. Among these gates. 午門 is the last gate for entrance.

Right after that, I was listening to some tour guides explaining the tradition of the constructions and decorations. One of them is the trace of the door. It goes with several brass items on it. Do you know the number? As matter of facts, each door in the palace are with 81 items on it. No exception. Why 81, 9 lines and 9 rows made it. The number 9 means 九五之尊. That's originated for易經. Easily speaking, the emperor thought that would bring him good luck and keep well for the dynasty.

Each palace has its different function, therefore the size is different as well. Some of them are for meeting all the group of subordinates, and some of them are for preparation of emperor before meeting. Also, there are also some for different uses.

The lecturer of physical experiment
He sucks. I don't mean to hurt him, but I just cant bare him of the attitude. Totally a gangster! Just can't imagine how he came here to be the lecturer. Anyway, we still enjoy the experiment social time. It's getting heavier load so keep on moving.
I m gonna change myself
haha after seeing somebody's crazy stuff, i m thinking about why should i be that serious? i can also enjoy different kind of life with friends and do some crazy things ha anyway, maybe i was influented by her but that's not important. gonna be different!